WordPress 5.0 and the Gutenberg editor – first impression

WordPress 5.0 is getting a new WYSIWYG editor. And it’s VERY different from what you are used to…
DEMO as a plugin (recommended not to do it on a live site): https://wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/

I’m going to be the person who likes the new editor in WordPress when they take it live in WP 5.0. Right now it’s available to demo but it’s a bit buggy and the reviews are people hate it and say it’s a UX fail.

I don’t think it’s a UX fail – it just takes a bit of tinkering to learn something new.
I AM worried about client choosing really REALLY bad color combos for their text and I want a way to lock that down but I do think with some tutorials this will actually be easier for clients to use.
It wouldn’t save my post on the site I installed it on but based on what I’m reading it might be an “issue not specific to Gutenberg, it’s global to any WP REST API usage, I don’t know if your webserver is Nginx”…

So next I’ll be trying it on a base install to see if it was a plugin conflict or something server based. Actually it says to not use it on a live site yet but I’ve got a site that’s a play site that I use for this type of thing (I want to see where things break on a real server with real plugins and real content.)

It’s not ready for prime time because of some things it still breaks (settings overlapping for example) but I look forward to using it once it’s ready.


Save Draft & Publish work on a site without a lot of plugins.
Found a few more issues:
  • Editable permalink is something that seems to be on the list of things they are aware of.
  • It seems that Gutenberg won’t update once the post is saved. Going to test that now. Or there’s a problem with taking it to a private post and back to public. Need to search a bit more on Git because I’m not seeing this one.
  • Versioning… where is that going to live? I like having the ability to roll back posts to a previous version in case someone really mucks something upand I’m not seeing that in the current version of Gutenberg.