Moving your account from Feedburner to Google

I’ve been trying to move my account from Feedburner to Google for the last few days. Apparently according to their update blog, they’ve temporarily suspended moving:

I searched the web for solutions because I didn’t want to wait until the last minute and came up with a few things but most things said to click on the “Move your account now” link when logged into feedburner … which at the moment doesn’t exist.

Somewhere I found the following link but not the following instructions.

Looks like if you:
1) log into your feedburner account
2) log into the google account you want to transfer to
3) then click on the following link you can still make the transfer.

If you have multiple feedburner and google accounts make sure you log into the correct ones.

Since google isn’t doing a good job about notifying people what’s going on I didn’t want to wait around til the last minute.

I really think google is messing this transition up. No e-mail notice about requiring customers to manually go in and make this change? Seriously? And it’s required: February 28th, 2009 is the cutoff.